Our group composed of some very high-caliber, self-possessed, highly knowledgeable, and occasionally self-important lawyers, almost immediately deeply liked and trusted David. He created a very comfortable environment for a bunch of contentious lawyers to have a really intelligent conversation. He honored all views and he obviously listened, and sometimes challenged, views to which he had not been exposed before. Not being a veteran of many good strategic or long-range planning processes, I was really impressed with his skills.

-Lucian T. Pera, Chair, ABA Center for Professional Responsibility

Professional Associations Services

Staff member working on a strategy

Strategic Planning

Planning is easier than implementation and many strategic plans stall in the second year as the organization did not develop an implementation plan. I will facilitate a planning process that allows an organization’s leadership and staff to develop a shared long-term vision that clarifies and furthers its mission. I will ensure all stakeholders understand and embrace the planning, implementation and evaluation processes. Working collaboratively, we will develop initiatives to take advantage of strategic opportunities while minimizing the negative effects of external forces.

Tactical Strategic Planning for Bar Associations

Board training

Many organization leaders are leaders in their industry and are often elevated to association leadership. However, somewhere between election and governing, there is something missing— board training and evaluation. As someone who has spent his entire career working with boards, I can help organizations find, train, and sustain an engaged and effective board of directors.

Board of directors engaged in training
Departing executive director shaking hand with new executive director

Succession Planning

Nonprofit organizations attract intelligent and committed people, people of great vision who work towards a greater good. We can’t imagine what the organization would be like without these incredible people until it is too late and the organization is left reeling by their absence. I can provide the structure and the procedure for developing a succession plan that is rationale, sensitive and will allow an organization to continue its good work without interruption.

Transitional Leadership

The time between leaders is stressful for all involved. As interim leader, I will ensure all daily functions are accomplished, transitional materials are prepared for the incoming leader, and communications to leadership, staff, clients and partners are clear and frequent.

Interim executive director taking notes
New executive director working with coach

Executive Coaching

I will work with the new executive director to embrace the uncertainty and responsibility that comes with leadership and help her or him develop the confidence and the competence to prioritize and execute organizational priorities. By working with me, you will develop the agility to become a genuine and effective leader.