The Three H’s
The Three H’s
Leading a nonprofit organization is a noble task whether it be a social service agency or a professional association; each is dedicated to serving their clients/members. often with limited resources secure the necessary resources to meet its strategic mandates. These challenges may cause conflict between board and staff, staff and clients or an organization and its funders.
The Three H’s provides you with a strategy to take a step, take a deep breath, and take a new approach to addressing strategic mandates.
Humility - your organization/association exists to serve the public good. Through its mission and vision, you are charged to be the stewards of your organization. Take a moment to discuss the warm and impactful aspects of your programs and services and how they have made a genuine difference in this world.
Honesty - it is natural that the stress of running a nonprofit can cause the board and staff to regard the other with frustration and distrust. While the board is the ultimate decision-making body, it makes a mistake if it excludes the staff in its discussions. Establishing a culture of honesty will create a strong foundation from which to move forward together.
Humor - When in doubt, laugh. If the tenor of a meeting is becoming increasingly contentious, allow any participant to call for a humor break, which can be an appropriate joke, sharing something positive from their life or have each participate reveal their secret power. Nothing alleviates stress like a good laugh.
Feel free to share your favorite H.